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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version The Romanian Women Rule in Paris

The Romanian Women Rule in Paris

25 Sep 2004   •   00:00

OBSERVER - September 25th 2004

The beauty of the girls in our country determined the Italians from Fiat to hire 10 Romanian women as hostesses at the Parisian Auto-Show.

Leaving aside the ultimate generation cars present in Paris, one cannot not look astonished at the producers’ competition of putting next to these cars the most beautiful girls, who came from all around the world. For a moment, you get to wonder whether there are also Romanian women at the show, and you get surprised when less expected. I was amazed to see that, when passing by the Fiat stand from "Mondial de L’Automobile", the girls posing as well as they could were speaking Romanian. I asked here and there and I found out that they were 10 girls from Romania hired by the Italian producer in order to emphasize as much possible the newest Fiat vehicles.

PREMIERE. The girls were very open and talked about their adventure in Paris. "The person who took care of the stand design personally came in Romania for the casting. He heard the girls in our country are beautiful and thought of us being the way to impress the visitors", jokes Raluca, one of the hostesses. Girls’ schedule means 10 days of show, after which they are to return in the country. "This is the first Paris Auto-Show for me to take part in, though I’ve been to all the shows in Bucharest. It’s normal for me to be nervous, the same way my colleagues do", adds Raluca. The Romanian group at Fiat is completed by some other 10 top models that usually have contracts with the important modeling agencies in Milan. I have to emphasize that the Fiat stand is the most photographed one, the photographers seeing our girls as the perfect models for creating some great impact pictures. This way, the Romanian girls’ beauty stamps the French Mondial as well, the organizers seeming to have decided to call them in for the next shows too.

Translation: SORIN BALAN

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