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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Controversial Balance - The Chief of the State Shakes the Internal Affairs

Controversial Balance - The Chief of the State Shakes the Internal Affairs

11 Ian 2005   •   00:00

POLITICS - January 12th 2005
At yesterday’s balance meeting of the IAM (Internal Affairs Ministry), President Traian Basescu declared himself unhappy with the work of the ministry. He announced that there would be some important changes to be made but not right now, because he proposed Prime Minister Tariceanu and Minister Vasile Blaga to wait for a few months to see the IAM employees’ reaction to the Government not involving in their activities. Basescu stated that he waits for measure of localization and increasing of the local autonomy, measures of fighting high-level corruption, the limitation of illegal immigrations (referring to the Romanian backsliders especially). He asked the police officers to "get to the end of the investigations", to act against the great corrupt people - no matter if national or local politicians are the targets. Basescu said that, if the police officers were not well informed, he would gladly go with them at night through Bucharest to show them the prostitutes and the policemen protecting the lawbreakers. (Eduard Pascu)

Translation : SORIN BALAN

Subiecte în articol: english