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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version We share sovereignty, but we don’t give up on our dignity

We share sovereignty, but we don’t give up on our dignity

de Adrian Severin    |    16 Sep 2008   •   00:00

Sovereignty is the ability of a state to dispose freely of its resources. Control over the resources is the basis of power.
A state without resources has zero power, that is, in fact, zero sovereignty. Sovereignty without power is only nominal. The states try to turn their nominal sovereignty into the real sovereignty, to correct their power deficit by obtaining control over the resources of other states.

Sovereignty is the ability of a state to dispose freely of its resources. Control over the resources is the basis of power.
A state without resources has zero power, that is, in fact, zero sovereignty. Sovereignty without power is only nominal. The states try to turn their nominal sovereignty into the real sovereignty, to correct their power deficit by obtaining control over the resources of other states.

When politics is insufficient for this purpose, they get to war. The winner usually gets a greater power. The loser becomes weaker and his sovereignty, in relative terms, matters less.

At the end of a complex and contradictory history, marked by moments of glory and lamentable failures, driven by the intelligence and character of several leaders as well as by the shortsightedness, cowardice or craziness of many others, enlightened by great outpourings of mobilization, solidarity and popular courage as well as by the wrong tradition of national dismantling and passivity, the result of the mixture between good luck and bad luck, Romania has reached the conclusion that it does not have sufficient resources to meet the legitimate expectations of its citizens and to catch up on its more developed competitors.

That is why we agreed not to give up on its sovereignty, but to exercise it in common with other European states, abandoning the logic of independence in order to function according to the interdependence.

By defining their national interest in the European context and agreeing to share the control of their resources with other members of the EU, the Romanian citizens have set a target to bring their country in the situation of a prosperous state, a secure and respected state in the “United States of Europe ".

By following such a path, the Romanians did not understand not to give up on dignity. Euro-enthusiastic, they knew that there is a significant difference between the European Union and the Soviet Union.

Therefore, this is the source of the surprise that appears when the European Commission releases an official statement targeting Romania saying that the Romanian Parliament cannot legislate according to its beliefs even when acting under the exclusive powers given by the European Treaties.

This is the only way to interpret the threatening criticisms related to the adoption of the law on the elimination of the political influence on justice by changing the procedure for the naming of the prosecutors or the one regarding the refusal to lift the immunity of certain officials.

Moreover, the EC believes it is entitled to censor the Romanian government and its ability to appoint heads for the Romanian institutions, such as DNA, even when the appointment is made in accordance to the laws. Finally, it engages in internal political struggle in Romania, ignoring the signed adherence Treaty and supporting its favorites.

Such an attitude, which humiliates and separates Romania, violates the treaties and, most of all, the spirit of the current European integration, is anti-European.

It feeds the speech of the skeptical people in a moment in which the Treaty of Lisbon has problems of ratification, encourages the rising of the antidemocratic organizations in the European countries and minimizes the political cohesion of the Member States.

The Commission defends itself in front of the European Parliament by claiming an alleged agreement with the Romanian Government during the period in which Macovei was the Head of the Justice Ministry.

The Government cannot take such decisions for Romanian without the consent of the Parliament and it cannot accept unconstitutional obligations, in the same way in which the Commission cannot have more or less competencies in certain states of the EU.

However, due to the abuses mentioned, Bucharest should unilaterally terminate this illegal, unjustified and humiliating procedure and start negotiating a new mechanism for cooperation in the fight against corruption.

Even if there appeared criticisms among the European and the Romanian Parliaments regarding the latest behavior of the EC, the Presidential Palace is quiet. The guarantor of national dignity – the one who encouraged the behavior of the European bureaucrats against the interests of Romania and Europe – is silent.

He will have the opportunity to speak during the European Council, where he is called to approve by consensus the Commission’s report on Romania, a document full of inaccuracies resulting from processes of bad faith. Let’s watch him! We will know then - if we have not found it yet – the side on which the one that takes the place of the President of Romania stands.

Subiecte în articol: romania that english european sovereignty