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22 Oct 2008   •   00:00

Glumind pe tema crizei financiare cu sefii de la Halifax Bank of Scotland, de 330.000 de lire sterline

Peste 300 de angajati ai Halifax Bank of Scotland s-au bucurat de un sejur all inclusive la un hotel de 5 stele care a costat peste 300.000 de lire sterline.

La chermeza membrilor diviziei de credite a bancii, ce a primit de curand un ajutor de stat in valoare de 11 miliarde de lire sterline, a fost invitat si comicul Patrick Kielty, contra unei modeste sume de 20.000 de lire sterline, care a reusit sa aduca buna dispozitie asistentei, cum altfel decat spunand glume despre criza financiara.  

Acesta glumind cu bancherii, despre excesele acestora in timop ce criza se adanceste in Marea Britanie, aceste le-ar fi declarat: "Secretul vostru e in siguranta cu mine"

O sursa din interior a declarat unui tabloid britanic : "Nu s-a facut nicio economie. Am avut ceea ce e mai bun din toate: mancare, vinuri scumpe".

"E scandalos cu adevarat, avand in vedere toate problemele cu care se confrunta HBOS. Am petrecut bine si chiar am avut o zi libera, evident platita

'It’s outrageous really, considering all the recent troubles at HBOS. We all had a good time though. We even got a day off work- and got paid for it.'
HBOS could be taken over in a government-approved multi-billion deal with Lloyds TSB.
Included in the cost of the jolly was £60,000 for hotel rooms, £4,000 for a champagne reception, £200-a-head for a four course meal and drinks, £45,000 on travel expenses, £100 goodie bags for each guest and prizes of £1,000 to reward the work of 16 mortgage brokers.

HBOS staff arrived in Edinburgh on Friday morning where they checked into the city's top three hotels: The Balmoral, The Caledonian Hilton and The George.
For lunch the bankers are reported to have feasted on smoked salmon, foie gras pate and champagne and claimed their goodie bags which included  Moet & Chandon bubbly, leather-bound journals, chocolates and £10 Starbucks vouchers.
In the evening they moved on Prestonfield Hotel for a gala dinner.

The bankers - men in tuxedos or kilts and women in cocktail dresses - then ate expensive canapes before sitting down for a huge dinner.
The insider said: 'It was like a Roman feast - with enough booze to float a ship.
'They like to get you absolutely plastered at these events. On top of that they gave us drink vouchers so we could hammer the free bar.
'The whole do obviously cost a fortune and the bank really did go to town. But some of us think it’s taking the mickey in the current climate, a slap in the face for taxpayers. HBOS couldn’t have chosen a worse time.'

The paper reported that guests were then ferried back to their hotels in coachs at 1am.
A spokeswoman for the bank told the paper the cost of the do was a 'modest amount'.
'It was a modest affair, an event we hold every year to reward our star performers', she said.

In a later statement HBOS said the party was booked and paid for last year, and they did not know the content of Kielty’s act in advance.

Subiecte în articol: economic