Ieri, publicatia Billboard a anuntat ca Depeche Mode a definitivat lista pieselor de pe "Touring the Angel", preconizat sa apara la 26 septembrie, la Sire/Reprise.
Acest material a fost inregistrat in zilele de 18 si 19 la Milano si va fi disponibil in doua variante: set de doua DVD-uri plus CD si un DVD. "Realizam ca «Playing the Angel» este mult mai potrivit de a fi cantat live decat «Exiter» sau «Ultra»", a spus Andrew Fletcher, care a adaugat ca noile piese "nu suna rau deloc" in set listul ce cuprinde vechile hituri. Depeche Mode a incheiat la Atena turneul european, iar ultimul concert (Tel Aviv) a fost anulat din cauza evenimentelor din Orientul Mijlociu. TRACK LIST. DVD Discul 1: Intro/ "I Want It All", "A Pain That Iâm Used To", "John the Revelator", "A Question of Time", "Policy of Truth", "Precious", "Walking in My Shoes", "Suffer Well", "Macro", "Home", "I Want It All", "The Sinner in Me", "I Feel You", "Behind the Wheel", "World in My Eyes", "Personal Jesus", "Enjoy the Silence", "Shake the Disease", "Just Canât Get Enough", "Everything Counts", "Never Let Me Down Again", "Goodnight Lovers"; Bonus tracks: "A Question of Lust", "Damaged People"; DVD Discul 2: "Playing the Angel", documentar, anuntul turneului, "Playing the Angel" EPK, "Behind the Wheel", "The Sinner in Me", "Walking in My Shoes", "World in My Eyes", "Never Let Me Down Again"; CD: "A Pain That Iâm Used To", "John the Revelator", "Precious", "Suffer Well", "Macro", "I Want It All", "The Sinner in Me", "Damaged People".Citește pe Antena3.ro