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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version 2010 Will Be Tougher On Investors

2010 Will Be Tougher On Investors

17 Dec 2009   •   00:00

Investors had it easy in 2009: they simply placed their money in grossly undervalued securities and waited for the price to go up again. To be successful in 2010, however, investors would have to be more creative than that and carefully time and choose their financial placements.

By the beginning of March 2009, when international markets reached historical low thresholds investors figured there was no Big Depression type of meltdown going to happen. Hence, securities labeled as risky were up for grabs.

The rebound on markets world-wide, which reached 30% since the beginning of the year and 79% since March, were prompted by massive by-outs.

The new year, however, brings in a new type of approach. The massive rebound recorded so far also means the "historical opportunities" of 2009 are out of reach now, while central banks are readying themselves to close down the programs for financing the banking systems.

"2010 will be a year for careful discrimination and quality driven investments," the vicepresident of the asset management division of Credit Suisse, Bob Parker said, quoted by international media.

To carefully pick and choose and also time your investments is more important than ever, given that the international economic outlook, while improving, it shows the situation is still inconsistent and fragile.

Also investors turned more prudent given the financial problems recently surfacing in countries like Dubai, Greece, Spain and other major economic powers.

Translated by AAP

Subiecte în articol: english