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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version A meeting for nothing

A meeting for nothing

de Ion Cristoiu    |    27 Iun 2008   •   00:00

The Permanent National Bureau of the PD-L decided the dissolution of nine county organizations, because they haven’t met the performance criteria established before the elections

The Permanent National Bureau of the PD-L decided the dissolution of nine county organizations, because they haven’t met the performance criteria established before the elections. The measure was taken on Monday, 23 June 2008, a day after the Permanent Delegation of the PNL announced the spectacular punishment measures for the heads of the branches with percentages below 15%, the central place being occupied by Ludovic Orban. As Simona Ionescu said on her blog (the only blog that I read asking myself why my former colleague from Evenimentul Zilei doesn’t sign the political commentaries in a serious newspaper), the PD-L decision was taken after the the PNL decision as a consequence. If I add the announcement on the resignation of Vasile Blaga from the helm of the Bucharest Organization, we can see that the democrat-liberals saw the great strike prepared by the PNL.

PNL and PD-L, two formations that had good results at the June 2008 poll, din’t wait any longer and took drastic measures against the ones that didn’t meet the performance criteria. As I was writing in the comments for the PNL moment, such measures are required in the PSD case as well.

For at least two reasons:
1) the local elections have shown the decisive role played by the county and municipal organizations. In the places in which they worked hard, found the best candidates, and mobilized the electorate to vote, the party obtained good and very good results.
Taking drastic measures should not only fix things in the organizations with weak performance, but also give chills to all organizations;

2) Taking these measures, but especially announcing them out loud, like in the case of PNL, they are able to transmit a certainty signal to the electorate.

In PSD, this can only happen after taking the spectacular measures of punishing the organizations that pulled the party down in the local elections.

Because, while organizations like the ones in Braila (13 mandates out of 34), Arges (18 out of 34), Buzau (12 out of 32), Constanta (20 out of 36), Gorj (15 out of 32), Olt (13 out of 32), Vrancea (17 out of 32), Vaslui (15 out of 32) had good results, other organizations had catastrophic results: Alba (7 out of 32), Arad (4 out of 32), Bihor (6 out of 34), Brasov (7 out of 34), Cluj (7 out of 36), Mures (6 out of 34), Satu-Mare (8 out of 32), Timis (11 out of 36).

A special case is the organization of the Cluj County. Not only because of the disastrous outcome in the County Council (7 out of 36) and from the City Hall (6%), but also because of the Vasile Dâncu case. He is not the only president of the PSD Cluj branch, but also the Vice-President of PSD for the north-west side of the country, the one with the poorest results. It wouldn’t be much. Just that in the past four years, Vasile Dancu was one of the most loud PSD leaders and the character most present in the “presidential” press and most praised by Traian Băsescu for his attacks against his Ion Iliescu. Vasile Dâncu appeared for dozens of times on Realitatea TV, the opened-circuit television of the Cotroceni Palace, to talk about the reform need in PSD. The initiator of the reform obtained the worst results. That happened while other presidents (Marian Oprişan, Nicuşor Constantinescu) minded their own businesses and became the targets of Traian Băsescu in the media.

Today, the National Executive Council of PSD is meeting to discuss the results of the local poll.

If the meeting doesn’t lead to the removal of Vasile Dâncu from all functions it means the meeting took place for nothing.

Subiecte în articol: that english psd results organizations