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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Antena International TV Station Starts Broadcasting For US And Canada

Antena International TV Station Starts Broadcasting For US And Canada

de Cristina Ologeanu    |    01 Iul 2006   •   00:00
Antena International TV Station Starts Broadcasting For US And Canada

Starting July 1st, Romanians living abroad will be able to receive news from back home via a new television channel of Impact media group.

At first, those living in the United States and Canada will receive Antena International 24x7; it becomes the fourth channel of the Impact group, along Antena 1, Antena 3 and Antena 4.

With time Antena International will expand its area to other territories where Romanian communities live, with programming scheduled for each territory’s time zone.

Antena 1, 2 and 4 channels will feed part of their programs into the new channel, and news casts of these stations will be broadcast live on Antena International.

A cluster of talk-shows will make their way too in the programming. Anchor Gabriela Vranceanu Firea will host "Stirea zilei cu Gabriela Vranceanu Firea" and "Saptamana financiara"; journalist Ion Cristoiu will host "Zig-zag cu Ion Cristoiu"; journalists Mihai Gadea and Ion Cristoiu will host "Sinteza zilei cu Mihai Gadea si Ion Cristoiu"; journalist Moise Guran will host "Bizbazar"; Dana Deac will host "Cafeaua cu sare"; and Mircea Badea will host "In gura presei". On schedule too is the show "Romania mea," hosted by journalist Emil Hurezeanu, who was in exile during the communist regime.
Translated by ANCA PADURARU

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