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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Cheap Wines for Export

Cheap Wines for Export

21 Sep 2004   •   00:00

BUSINESS - September 21st 2004

Quality of the Romanian wines is a factor which has increased a lot this year, though there still are problems regarding the names of the products.

"Most of the wines are prepared correctly. Moreover, the wines in 750 milliliters bottles are extraordinary", stated for the Mediafax agency the president of the Vineyards and Wines Employers in Romania, Valeriu Cotea.

SELF-CONSUMING. The small private producers own surfaces cultivated with vineyard, where significant wine quantities are produced, undelivered to the market, and mainly destined to self-consuming. One of the main problems the wine producers confront with is the low selling price, taking into account that the producing prices are very high. That is why there are situations in which the Romanian producers prefer delivering the wine to the external market, since they get higher selling prices for it.

DOMINATION. For export, the average price is 5 USD a bottle, since in the Romanian market this price is 1.3 USD. The most expensive Romanian wine costs in the internal market 500,000 lei. Cotea showed that, for now, the world market is dominated by four or five very well known assortments, followed by the local ones. "The world tendencies are going for the local wines. We’ll never be able to compete with Chardonnay from France or Australia", said Cotea.

Translation: SORIN BALAN

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