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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Help Needed To Save the Life of a Journalist

Help Needed To Save the Life of a Journalist

22 Sep 2004   •   00:00

OBSERVER September 22nd 2004

Dear Mr. Manager,
My name is Gabi Dobre; I am 32, and a professional journalist with the Romanian Public Television. It may be that during my 11-year long career you might have watched one of the many reports I have filed with local, national or international television channels.

Now I come to the difficult part of stating the reason why I am writing to you.
In 2001 I was diagnosed with a very serious disease. I was operated on four times since then and followed the treatment recommended by the doctors.
This serious condition reemerged. I was accepted as a potential patient by one of the most famous oncologists, University Professor Dr. Christoph Zielinski in Vienna. The cost of transportation and treatment goes to 5,000 euros per week. This is why I am requesting your help now.

For raising the necessary amount of money I opened the following bank account: RO83FNNB000301027918RO01, at the FINANSBANK, Ploiesti subsidiary. For further information please contact me at: +40-722-230 266 or +40-0722-163 434

Full of hope, I thank you, Gabi Dobre

Subiecte în articol: english