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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Nastase Would Be Content with Rank-And-File Status

Nastase Would Be Content with Rank-And-File Status

18 Feb 2005   •   00:00

POLITICS - February 19th 2005
Adrian Nastase, [former PM and] president of the Social Democrat Party, hinted for the first time yesterday that he will run for the second position in the party hierarchy, at the Congress to take place soon.

Nastase said that "it would feel weird for [former President Ion] Iliescu to be my deputy." "I believe we need to arrive at a leadership team that will bring together the experience and qualities President Iliescu holds, with the qualities younger people can bring to the table," said Nastase, quoted by Mediafax wire services.
Nastase went on to explain that among the younger leaders should be local party leaders like Ioan Rus.
Nastase also said that if the Congress in April will not elect him for any top position, he will be content with the status of rank-and-file SDP member, and not break-away with a splinter group.

Transleted by ANCA PADURARU

Subiecte în articol: english