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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Reinvent Yourself

Reinvent Yourself

09 Mai 2005   •   00:00

I do not wish to be in step with the latest trend. I would rather be quaint than hostage to the ever perishing fashion. And I do not mean by that the garment fashion, but the trends in general.

  • May 10th 2005
  • I dislike the marketing tools which aim to turn you into the client of this or that merchandise, though in fact, what they are selling you is an illusion, and not the actual thing.
    It also steps on my nerves the trendy speech, sprinkled with all sorts of words which make no real sense. My consolation is that all hot trends are to die eventually, and so will the current craze of using words like the English "trendy" or the Gypsy "naspa" (horrible) when speaking Romanian.
    And I would not have mentioned the trendy fashion of exposing one’s navel had I not be haunted by the view of fat bellies folded over the lower piece of garment soon to be exposed by women young or not, during the coming summer days.

    But nothing upsets me more than the hot slogans meant to sell not a product but the image of a human being.
    The last such slogan hinted at reinventing yourself. Allegedly it is fashionable to do just that. But the authors of the slogan did not elaborate what they meant by reinventing oneself. Apparently it is for us to determine what that stays for. To them, simply using the words had a potency of its own, as enabling one to perform some magic.

    Did the person you love reject you? The answer to your pains is simple: reinvent yourself. Or reinvent her.
    Did you have a professional drawback? There is nothing easier to solve than reinventing yourself.
    This really works. Just try it! Say after me: Reinvent yourself! Now, come, isn’t it that you felt a tickle down your spine?
    How come you do not know how to do it? Just call your mother and ask her to give you birth once again: that simple it is. Reinvent yourself!

    Translated By ANCA PADURARU

    Subiecte în articol: english yourself