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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Romanian Cultural Center Opens in London

Romanian Cultural Center Opens in London

13 Sep 2004   •   00:00

OBSERVER - September 13th 2004

One more Romanian cultural center abroad had been inaugurated by president Ion Iliescu. This time in London. The new institution works under the aegis of the Romanian embassy in London, and is placed in an elegant building in Belgrave Ward. An exhibition of Zamfir Dumitrescu’s paintings was the first event hosted by the cultural center.

The inauguration was followed by a ceremony during which president Iliescu awarded Romanian medals to personalities working for Romania’s good name in Britain and for the cooperation between the two countries.
Lord Alan Watson, Elisabeth Ratiu, the widow of Ion Ratiu, George Iacobescu, the executive president of Canary Warf and a brilliant construction engineer, soprano Nely Miricioiu, violinist Eugen Sarbu, Marta Anastasiu, president of the International Association of Piano Teachers, were among those getting the awards.
Lord Watson thanked on their behalf.

Subiecte în articol: english