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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Sell Of Luxury Cars Going Down In Romania Too

Sell Of Luxury Cars Going Down In Romania Too

de Vali Blanaru    |    22 Iun 2009   •   00:00

The financial crisis slowed down the sell of luxury cars in Romania too, with dealers having to put in more effort to make a sale to the Romanian rich, which are increasingly prudent with their luxury buys.

The director for the Porsche, Bentley and Lamborghini made cars Adrian Pascu, with the Porsche Romania car dealer, said dealers put in as much as tenfold the effort they put before to strike a deal.

"The emphasis now changed from talking about the car, to talking about ways to finance the buy. The latter was never an issue before," Pascu said. "Things are made more difficult by the insurance companies, the banks and the leasing companies; only the biggest operators insure now the luxury cars," he added.

The statistics tell the story in a nutshell: Porsche, which was the best sold luxury car, dropped in the first five months to 37 units sold, from 66 units sold last year in the same period.
The total number of Prosche units sold in 2008 was 108, with the cost of the most expensive make, GT2, staying at 196,000 Euro.

AutoItalia, the importer for Maserati, said in 2009 it sold four units of Maserati GranturismoS and two units of Quattroporte Colezione Cento. While in the first five months of last year the company had sols 16 units, of the total 41 sold during the whole of 2008.

Forza Rossa, the importing company for Ferrari brand to Romania, owned by the minister for Health Ion Bazac, received last year orders for 48 cars, while this year it received orders for seven units.

Bentley fared better, with Porsche Romani sellling four units last year, while selling five units of the Continental model, at a cost of 153,000 Euro per unit, prior to taxation.

Mercedes Benz Romania sold the most expensive car this year. It was a Maybach 57S, sold for 450,000 Euro

Subiecte în articol: english sold units