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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version The Bran Castle: Cancesu’s Prank

The Bran Castle: Cancesu’s Prank

de Libiu Mateescu    |    26 Ian 2007   •   00:00
The Bran Castle: Cancesu’s Prank
The domain seems to have been sold, but "it stays in the country".
Dominic Habsburg, together with the other inheritors of the Bran domain, has intoxicated the Romanian media by spreading the rumor that they had sold "Dracula’s Castle" to the Americans.

The letter sent to the Brasov County Council, led by Aristotel Cancescu, in the name of all the inheritors of Queen Mary of Romania, regretfully says about the fact that the castle will not go into the patrimony of the Brasov council, since the 30 day offer of Dominic has expired. It all seems a fake, even though the letter has the heading of the Rubyn Maeyer Doru&Trandafir Law firm. Hoping he would appear as the savior of Brasov, Cancescu submitted a bid of 100 million euros. He even found a company from "over the Ocean" that has already paid a part of this sum. The previous bid reached 60 million euros, much more than the real value of the domain.

CONTRADICTIONS. Moreover, according to the document, the Brasov County Council is to pay all the other occasional costs caused by another bid. The obvious contradiction in the statements of the owners of the castle and in the statements of Aristotel Cancescu, appears in the position of the Brasov CC chief: "trusty sources say the Bran Castle has been sold to an American company for a much higher value, 100 million euros. A part of the castle’s price has already been paid. Minister Iorgulescu is the one guilty for this situation. The ego and the negativist position of the Minister of Culture lost this castle for us the, inhabitants of Brasov, and for the Romanians in general", Aristotel Cancescu says. If this castle had already been sold, why is the County Council able to make another offer? Why doesn’t the Ministry of Culture have the refusal of the castle anymore? Was the ministry informed on this sale of the Bran Castle?

ROOTS. It seems that a business partner of controversial Ede Erdely, democrat member of the council Florin Staicu, got involved in the deal. Florin Staicu is the son of the former chief of the Brasov Militia, General Staicu, the one supposed to have ordered the attack against the protesters in Brasov on 21st and 22nd of December 1989. Florin Staicu blocked the negotiations for the Bran Castle. He used to be a member of GRP (the Great Romania Party) Brasov until 2006, when Vadim Tudor got him out of the party. Now he is a member of DP Brasov.

USELESS POLL. The Brasov City Council wasted no more than 7,000 euros on a survey at the Brasov University, which proved that 78% of the Brasov inhabitants wanted the Bran Castle for 38-40 million euros, 70% think an international expertise is needed, and 97% of them thought the castle belonged to Dracula. Dominic Habsburg withdrew his offer which means the survey is no good anymore.

Translated by SORIN BALAN

Subiecte în articol: english brasov bran castle bran castle