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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version The European Action Movement has asked the Government of Moldova to eliminate the visa regime for Romani

The European Action Movement has asked the Government of Moldova to eliminate the visa regime for Romani

de Ovidiu Ciutescu    |    12 Aug 2009   •   00:00

The European Action Movement from Moldova asked, again, the Executive in Chisinau to eliminate immediately the visa regime imposed for the Romanian citizens.

"We know already that the future democratic Government will do it, but we should not continue to have financial losses due to the stubbornness and incompetence of a government that has brought too many prejudices to Moldova already", says the letter sent to Prime Minister Zinaida Greceanîi.

The formation requires the Government to give up on the abusively imposed visa requirements for Romanian citizens: "We believe that now, in the last moments before the handover of power, the Government is obliged to fix their mistake by a measure which can only be in the interest of Moldova and its citizens". The European Action Movement states that the volume of exports decreased and the business relations between Moldova and Romania were directly affected.

"Millions of dollars have been lost in a period in which our country, as the entire world, is undergoing an unprecedented financial crisis", says the letter quoted by Agerpress. The formation also believes that such a decision would normalize the relations with the European Union. There is an agreement between the EU and the Republic of Moldova that provides that the European citizens should not need visas in order to enter the country. The party leader, Anatoly Petrencu, announced that he has sent an official appeal to the Government in Chisinau regarding this matter.

There was no official statement from the Government led by Greceanîi. A representative of the Bureau Press said that "they did not receive the message".

Chisinau has introduced the visa regime for Romanians on April 9th, after they accused several Romanian citizens of taking part in the protest actions on April 7th. Subsequently, the Communist authorities in Chisinau said they would waive the visa when Romania would sign the Basic Treaty with Moldova, after which they said they would do it after the Moldavian citizens would not be required visas to enter the EU.

Leaders of the four non-communist formations in the new parliament, which created a majority coalition, announced at the end of last week that visas for Romanian would be eliminated after the first meeting of the Parliament. This could happen at the begining September.

- Translated by Sorin Balan

Subiecte în articol: english