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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version The Region of Maramures, Promoted by Popular Artists

The Region of Maramures, Promoted by Popular Artists

16 Apr 2005   •   00:00

Maramures is visited each year by approximately 60,000 tourists, and their number is increasing due to the national and international fairs, where the professional associations promote this region, Livia Sima, the president of the Maramures subsidiary of the National Rural, Ecological and Cultural Tourism Association (NRECTA), stated.

  • BUSINESS - April 16th 2005
  • ORIGINAL. The magic effect of Maramures is brought in the capital by the popular artists.
    "A lot of French, Hungarian, German and Asiatic tourists come here. However, we are glad to be Able to attract more and more Romanians, who come here wishing to know their country better, which means success for us", Livia Sima said with the occasion of the Promoting Fair of Tourism and Art Skills in Maramures.

    THE ART. During the fair, which takes place at the World Trade Plaza between the 15th and the 16th of April, the people in Bucharest have the opportunity of entering the fascinating universe of the Land of Maramures and to find out a few things about the traditions and beauty of this region with the help of the 21 popular artists present at the manifestation. Dressed up with traditional costumes, they show some of the art skills practiced ever since in the region: the art of craving in wood, the art of weaving, the mastership of eggs’ dyeing, pottering, and the making of popular masks. The artists present at at the fair have recently graduated from a marketing course, part of the "Craft Center" formation project. The fair is organized by the Program for the Development of the Small and Middle Enterprises, which is financed by the United States’ Agency for International Development (USAID).

    ON EASTER. The tourists that want to visit the region of Maramures can be housed in one of the 550 agro-touristy pensions in there. On Easter, the prices vary from 800,000 lei (ROL) per day per person, breakfast included, and 930,000 lei (ROL) per day, all included.

    Translated by SORIN BALAN

    Subiecte în articol: english