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The Thesaurus Has to Wait

16 Feb 2005   •   00:00

POLITIC - February 16th 2005
The Romanian Thesaurus and the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact weren’t issues discussed by President Traian Basescu during his meeting with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin. They are to be clarified by the scientists. Yesterday, Basescu stated hat his main priority was to discuss about the future of the bilateral relationships, about "urgencies" and about the security need of Romania and of the Russian Federation in the region, Mediafax informs. The Chief of the State reminded that the main Romanian-Russian treaty has two annexes whose answers must be given by the historians, by the scientists and less by the politicians who agreed the formation of the committees.

Basescu expressed his belief that, beyond the traditional Romanian - Russian speech about the history of the bilateral relationships, his meeting with the President of the Russian Federation would have the chance of bringing the two sides to nowadays reality. In the same time, the annexes of the Treaty should show their results depending on the speed of the work of the scientists, "who are not soldiers". "We agreed that, when the Romanian-Russian committee would have precise results, the Thesaurus wouldn’t be a problem from the political point of view", Basescu added. Moreover, the Chief of the State said he invited Putin to visit Bucharest, which would be the first visit to Romania of a Russian Chief of State, after 1989. Basescu stated that a possible acceptation of this invitation would be officially communicated on Wednesday.

Translated by SORIN BALAN

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