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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version 2005 Is an Electoral Year

2005 Is an Electoral Year

01 Iun 2005   •   00:00

Alter 15 years of transition the time for restructuring the political parties arrived. The elections late last year changed the leadership of the main political parties: the Social Democrats, the National Liberals and the Democrats have now new people at the top. The same change occurred for the Greater Romania Party [nationalist], only that these days its founder, Corneliu Vadim Tudor, claimed back the top executive position in view of early elections to be organized later this year.

  • June 1st 2005
  • In retrospect, one understands that all these changes were envisaging in fact the early elections this year. The year 2005 actually started with President Traian Basescu stating his intention to call early elections.
    After the Romanian Humanist Party changed its name to the Conservative Party, claiming to take over the Christian-Democrat stance, we witnessed a contamination effect, [of parties willing to position their parties in a European Union context.] Hence, not only Greater Romania Party put "Popular" in front of its name, but to turn "popular" is the aim of the National Liberal and the Democrat Parties too, with a view of sending their representatives into the European Parliament.

    Let us not forget the Popular Christian-Democrat Party, formerly the ruling National Peasant Party, now shrunk into non-existence.
    Apart from their new found enthusiasm for Christian-Democracy, the National Liberals and the Democrats still face the problem of merging.
    Thus, unnoticed so far, year 2005 turned into an electoral one.
    Let us have it, then.

    Translation By ANCA PADURARU

    Subiecte în articol: english