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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Astonishment at the Royal Court

Astonishment at the Royal Court

05 Noi 2004   •   00:00

POLITICS - November 5th 2004
Royal Court’s lawyer, Adrian Vasiliu, is unpleased with the Senate’s decision of not debating in emergency conditions the law project regarding the indemnification of King Mihai for the properties confiscated by the communists.

Royal Court’s lawyer, Adrian Vasiliu, says that the law project - recently approved by the Government and forwarded to the Senate in order to be discussed as an emergency procedure regarding King Mihai’s indemnification with 30 million euros for the unreturned goods from the Peles domain - "has no political coloratura".


"I don’t see why another Parliament would vote against. I am amazed by another aspect, by the fact that, for instance, NLP (the National Liberal Party) decided to abstain from voting the respective emergency procedure. Yes, I am amazed that NLP adopts such a strategy, when, in fact, the law has to be voted and it is the country’s interest, not some party’s, that this law would be voted and I hope that the NLP- DP (Democratic Party) Members of Parliament who will get out of the elections as winners or as losers will see things in another way, a way less dependant by minor political interests that determined today’s decision", Royal Court’s lawyer stated yesterday for BBC. Asked about the interests he was talking about, Adrian Vasiliu stated that this is just a hunch. "Why should SDP (Social Democratic Party) gain image by promoting this law until the elections and why should we offer them this gift? This is like, I say again, everything depended on it", he said.


On the other hand, the Royal Court’s lawyer states that he doesn’t know in what way "the negotiations and the SDP intention of really solving this issue have been real for all the leading board". "I believe that many were reticent and they have actually offered a poisoned gift, to say so, meaning that they agreed on writing the law project, and they didn’t care about it afterwards", said Vasiliu. However, he refused to give names of the ones he was talking about. "I think that if SDP had to give emergency treatment to an important law project, very important from their political interests’ point of view, I am pretty sure they would have done everything possible to obtain the emergency procedure", concluded the lawyer.
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