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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Bejenariu offer

Bejenariu offer

15 Noi 2004   •   00:00

POLITICS - November 15th 2004
The ruling Social Democrat Party (SDP) will be willing to join forces for a future mandate with both members of the Democrat Party (DP) and of the National Liberal Party (NLP), said Eugen Bejinariu, secretary general of the SDP.

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A week ago the SDP executive president, Octav Cosmanca, launched the idea that following the 28 November general elections an SDP-Romanian Humanist Party Government might be supported by "a group of negotiators from the NLP, of wise and rational people."
Bejinariu took that to a higher step, at a press conference Saturday, when he stated that not only NLP but also DP members will be welcome to support the future government.
The idea behind these statements is that a large parliamentary base will be needed to support the programs aiming at fulfilling the major policy objective, which is the integration into the European Union.
Bejinariu declined to give names of the DP members his party considers to recruit for supporting a presumptive SDP government resulting from the elections in two weeks.
He also said that it was quite possible for these DP members to join the SDP ranks afterwards, but then again, that they could give their support to the SDP without renouncing their party membership. Bejinariu explained that Cozmanca only stated a week before some of the possible working scenarios in case the SDP - RHP alliance will not be able to harness a majority in the parliament.
Cozmanca also counted in the possibility for the SDP to form a minority government. The first option his party considers, Cozmanca said, was to cooperate with the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, not ruling out anything, even cooperating on clearly stated targets with the Greater Romania Party, because:"at the end of the day the country must be governed."

"We will first try working with the DUHR, since we already formed before a majority in the parliament, for four years [1992-1996]. So, it is self-understood that we should ask them first. We have three or four different options to continue governing the country and insure its political, social and economic stability.
We must insure Romania’s accession to the EU will take place in 2007, or else we will bring upon ourselves a future of underdevelopment and isolation," said Cozmanca.

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