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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Bohlen&Doyen Comes to Romania

Bohlen&Doyen Comes to Romania

16 Noi 2004   •   00:00

BUSINESS - November 16th 2004
The German industrial construction holding Bohlen&Doyen officially opened its Romanian representation, which is to carry on utilities distributions and waste management.

The company (more than 2,500 employees and an annual turnover that goes over 300 million euros) intends to get involved, in Romania, in projects about systems of water, gas, energy, sewerage distribution, as well as of waste management. 10 million euros will be invested after projects in this area will be won, stated Dieter Kuprian, president of the Administration Council. However, he hasn’t been able to precise an exact term for the investments. Some of Bohlen&Doyen’s European clients are Ruhrgas, Gazprom, Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Post, Wintershall, EWE - Polonia, Erdgas Zurich AG. The German holding Bohlen&Doyen will invest in the Romanian utilities distribution and waste management market.
Translation : SORIN BALAN

Subiecte în articol: english