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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Cocaine for VIPs - Tiriac jr. Sent into Court

Cocaine for VIPs - Tiriac jr. Sent into Court

16 Noi 2004   •   00:00

OBSERVER - November 16th 2004
Ion Tiriac jr. has been sent into Court for possession of drugs with the intention of consuming and for tolerating drug consuming in a public space.

After five months of investigation, the prosecutors from the General Prosecutor’s Office concluded that the cocaine dealing which Tirac jr. had initially been accused of isn’t true. Youngman’s girlfriend, Ileana Lazariuc, also got away from the accusation of possession of drugs with the purpose of consuming. According to the investigators, the most important accusations made by Robert Sandu, nephew of the Romanian Football Federation president, against Tiriac jr. haven’t been confirmed by the other proofs. Robert Sandu’s statements saying that Ion Ion Tiriac was buying cocaine regularly didn’t have any consequences. Also unproved are to be the parties where Tiriac seemed to have offered drugs to the guests, as Robert Sandu said. The only aspect proven during the investigation has been the fact that Tiriac jr. possessed a little cocaine dose once.

Subiecte în articol: english