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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Guinea Pigs and the Passions of Christ

Guinea Pigs and the Passions of Christ

21 Feb 2005   •   00:00

By MARIUS TUCA - February 21st 2005
The years had passed and we started to live freely in another political system than the one that kept us prisoners for such a long time.
From afar, more likely than not, Romania is extremely interesting. It is harder to come to this conclusion for those living inside it - some 20 something million people. They are the unwilling guinea pigs of the never ending transition period.

During the past 15 years of living in a nation-wide laboratory the show from afar must have been fascinating.
I am afraid though that the pains of the transitions, or rather its consequences, are yet to come.
Unfortunately we cannot lay blame on anyone but ourselves for acting as guinea pigs; we were the guinea pigs of our own making.

We experimented on ourselves. And we were not ready for the thin air of freedom we suddenly breathed.
These 15 years meant a loss of horizon for generations upon generations. Some opened their eyes into a Romania which held nothing in common with their aspirations. After 50 years of communism, which deeply affected our national psyche, now came the time for our bodies to pay the price of the transition which more and more resembles the Passions of Christ!


Subiecte în articol: english