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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Ilescu has trimmed his eye-brows

Ilescu has trimmed his eye-brows

15 Noi 2004   •   00:00

OBSERVER - November 15th 2004
President Ion Iliescu was the protagonist of a rather unusual experience last week-end. He was meeting on Saturday the SDP candidates for parliament seats elected by Bucharest voters, among whom, by the way, he was the top candidate.

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During one of the breaks Iliescu left the SDP headquarters and went to a barbers shop anmed like a solid lawyers’ firm: "Zamfir & sons - hair-dos & barber’s shop."
The president’s unexpected call to the barbers surprised not only the costumers but also the people living in the building on top of the shop, who were all looking over their windows.
Iliescu had a hair-cut, his eye-brows trimmed, a massage around his neck and on his temples, for which he paid a total of 200,000 lei [some five euros].
He visited afterwards the Bucharest 2nd District, seeing the new headquarters of the local City Hall, a school for the blind, the location of a future church in Vatra Luminoasa, and students dorms.

Subiecte în articol: english