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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Justice Is Not Blind with the Ministers

Justice Is Not Blind with the Ministers

de Miruna Pasa Petru    |    Violeta Fotache    |    04 Noi 2005   •   00:00
Justice Is Not Blind with the Ministers

For the first time in the history of the Romanian justice, a Council of Justice sent the losers directly to the ECHR (European Court for the Human Rights) to receive their compensations from the money of the Romanian tax-payers. This is not a lawsuit like any other. This is the lawsuit regarding the parents of Minister of Justice, Monica Macovei.

Three judges from the High Court of Justice, other than the ones picked randomly to judge the file, have urgently decided for the parents of Minister of Justice, Monica Macovei, in a lawsuit regarding the retrocession of a house nationalized in 1950 from the Petrini family.

Long story short, the parents of the dignitary keep the house in the center of Bucharest (3rd, Ioanid Street), and the former owners, after being abused by the communists, were disappointed by the after-the-revolution Justice. Moreover, Maria Petrini, the only inheritor of the former owners, woke up to find she had been sent directly to the European Court for the Human Rights, in case she disagrees with the sentence.

NOTIFICATION. According to the papers in the file, the parents of the Minister of Justice have become from tenants owners of the house three months after they have received a notice from Maria Petrini in which they were informed not to buy the house from the state because the state is not the owner. "I, Maria Petrini (…) notify (…) that, after you receive the present notification you become bad-faith buyers", the inheritor wrote in 1996 to the family of Minister Macovei. Now, after more than nine years, a period in which two Romanian courts have decided for Maria Petrini, the High Court of Justice considers that the parents of Mrs. Macovei "have been good-faith buyers". This is because they "didn’t see the relevancy of the notification made by the plaintiff, because she only had the right to ask for compensations".

DECISION. For compensations, Judges Stancu, Surdescu and Cismaru have found a solution: Mrs. Petrini should go to the ECHR. "The plaintiff can still ask for compensations from the state, even by addressing to the European Court for the Human Rights", the magistrates say in order to justify the decision number 7498/September 30 2005.

In the meantime, the case echoed. The Superior Court of Magistracy finalized the checking regarding the suspect route of the file from one judge to the other. The involved magistrates will be checked by the Judges’ Discipline Commission, which is part of the Superior Council of Magistracy.

Ana Maria Petrini: "Nationalized twice"

Few hours after reading the justifying of the judges on her behalf, Ana Maria Petrini stated: "The justification came today (n. e. - yesterday). It was incredible, no one expected such a decision because it was clear I was right. I won the first time, I won the appeal. We walked tall because we knew we were right. I had seen it as an elementary reparation of the abuse of the former communists. I feel like I have been nationalized and abused for the second time. This happens in a regime that is told to be democratic. How come the notifications I sent to the family of the family of the present Minister of Justice don’t have any value?

I know for sure that the file was solved in this way because Mrs. Macovei is the present Minister of Justice. There is no other explanation. I don’t know if she asked for this, but it is very clear that this happened because she is in the place in which she is. In September, at the High Court, I have been in the Court and I looked for the file where it should have been, but I was amazed to see it had been moved from one judge to another. The sentence had been given without my lawyer being present. I had to talk by myself and I got nervous. We will go to the ECHR in the honour of my parents. This is outrageous. I am going to address to President Basescu and to the Superior Court of Magistracy".
Translated by SORIN BALAN
