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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version New Investments for Meteorological Station at High Altitude

New Investments for Meteorological Station at High Altitude

01 Oct 2004   •   00:00

OBSERVER - October 1st 2004

The National Administration for Meteorology continues its project for rehabilitation of its network. A new meteorological station was inaugurated yesterday at Vladeasa, at 1,800 meters altitude, close to Cluj city.

This station got latest technology equipment, running water and electricity. "The Vladeasa meteorological station is the hardest to access; the meteorologists are actually climbing up the mountain in October and descending in May," said Ion Poiana, director of the Agency.
Investments for this meteorological station were long overdue: 30 years ago was its last upgrade. The current modernization cost around 4 billion lei (some 98,000 euros) for the people who work and live there to get the best living conditions.

Translation: ANCA PADURARU

Subiecte în articol: english