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NLP Scandal: Tariceanu, Resignation Due to Illness

de Monica Iordache Apostol    |    Oana Stancu Zamfir    |    07 Iul 2006   •   00:00
NLP Scandal: Tariceanu, Resignation Due to Illness

Valeriu Stoica has publicly diagnosed Calin Popescu Tariceanu as suffering "from two serious illnesses": amnesia and being stuck due to absence of projects. The "doctor’s" recommendation: retirement due to serious illness.

Yesterday, nine liberals, which signed a statement saying that the measures of PM Tariceanu and Minister of Defense regarding the withdrawal of the troops from Iraq is "unworthy, irresponsible and disqualifying", were waiting for the decision of the NLP (National Liberal Party) Permanent Delegation. Important names: Theodor Stolojan (former NLP president), Valeriu Stoica (former NLP president), Mona Musca (former vice-president), Mircea Cinteza (former Minister). The accused side is made of: Raluca Turcan and Cristian Boureanu, together with Ioan Ghise, Adrian Miroiu and Laurentiu Olan. The PM says they are just several no-names that only follow orders from Cotroceni. The ethics commission of the party got wise to this and, last night, during the Permanent Delegation, the sanctions were expected. They probably won’t be excluded, oldman Quintus, member of the judging committee, says. However, such a decision was expected in the case of "recidivists" Turcan and Boureanu.

SUFFERING. Before the "process", Valeriu Stoica made a public statement to show his concern for the PM’s health status, because he has seen "the symptoms of two serious illnesses". Therefore, he does not know people like Theodor Stolojan or Mona Musca are… Well, the first person who named Tariceanu as temporary president of the NLP, after which he became PM and definite Congress president, Mona Musca, is known by more than 90% of the Romanians and probably by all the NLP members, but Calin Popescu Tariceanu doesn’t know who she is. "Well, this is the most clear sign of amnesia", Stoica diagnosed and he continued with the "medical" recommendations: "If we have an amnesic PM…Romania is in danger. Therefore, there has to be a treatment for this, but of course this treatment is based at first on the resignation of the Prime Minister, because one cannot be amnesic and Prime Minister".

STUCK. The second illness is one that is somewhat similar to the recent problems of President Traian Basescu. According to Stoica, Tariceanu is also stuck. It is only a figure of speech. According to Stoica, is also stuck but not because of back problems, but due to absence of projects. The illness symptoms appear each time when the present NLP leading board receives a project for NLP. The reaction is to "threaten, exclude, sanction". Stoica doesn’t have a good opinion about the Prime Minister’s IQ either, and he shows that "one has to be intelligent in order to have projects". "I think these two illnesses have to make us worry, because we, the Romanians, have the right to be led by people that can propose projects, which have to be intelligent then, that don’t suffer from amnesia, that admit who the collaborators are, at least, because, other wise, the risk for Romania is huge", the former NLP leader concl;uded.

Yranslated by SORIN BALAN

Subiecte în articol: tariceanu that english stoica