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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Our Daily Goes Up And Up

Our Daily Goes Up And Up

18 Oct 2004   •   00:00

OBSERVER - October 18th 2004
The National Readership Study registered a new record jump in readerships of publications, and this comes again to Jurnalul National daily. The last NRS report shows our newspaper has almost 500,000 readers, or 491,000 to be exact, with a 102,900 hike from the previous measurement.

These places now Jurnalul national on a third position in the ranking in the section of general news dailies. The measurements concern the first six months of 2004, which is half the time since the newspaper started the campaign to raise its circulation.
The first change in a recipe for success was the one conducted at the end of 2003, when the structure of the paper was changed and the number of pages per copy was raised. Then, in the first trimester of this year the circulation rose tenfold. This was the time when the most exciting articles and media campaigns were launched. The readers also had the chance to participate in various prize carrying contests.
There weeks in which the circulation did nothing but grow and the people were asking "where would you stop?"
Each time we were compelled to answer that we will not stop, and we kept our promise.
That is we did more changes: the Monday Collection turned into a separate appendix to the copy, and the TV Guide changed layout and turned into a full-color 36-pages magazine. Other prize carrying contests complemented the changes.

Our resolve is to not stop and continue to grow and get to be read every day by one million Romanians. So, in the past weeks other appendices popped up as special editions, like Athens 2004, Euro 2004, Student 2004 and the Drivers Appendix.

Studies on the readership of Jurnalul national show that over a third of it is made of young people: some 33.5% are aged between 14 and 34. And 57.5% are under 44 years old. Three thirds of our readers are high school graduates, 41.1% are university or college graduates. The highest raise was among the entrepreneurs or managers, which now make 27.1% of Jurnalul national readers.
On income, our readership has 23.3% families with over 400 dollars monthly income. Two thirds of it lives in cities larger than 200,000 people.
So, in a few words, our readers are young active people, higher educated and high income earners.

Their interests are in domestic and international politics, economics and finance.
Also, our special pages, dedicated to latest scientific discoveries, the newest auto models, sports, cultural or fashionable events. Also part of the staple diet of treats to our readership are psychological tests, games, cross-words and various contests.

Translation: ANCA PADURARU
Subiecte în articol: english