Mircea Geoana, president of the Social-Democrat Party, or PSD, in opposition, called an urgent meeting of his partyâs county leaders to prepare for the early elections.
Geoana said the appointment of Radu Berceanu, of the Democrat Party, as minister of transportation Tuesday was an omen showing the current government would step down soon. "I see Berceanuâs arrival in the center-right government as the one of the Trojan Horse," explained Geoana. He likened Berceanuâs nomination to that of Traian Basescuâs - now Romaniaâs president - as transportation minister, who brought down the center-right government in the 1996 - 2000 legislature, Geoana said. Geoana also said the wind of change favored his party, as the motions recently filed by the PSD received votes from the benches of the ruling coalition.Translated by ANCA PADURARU
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