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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Romania Asks the World to Interfere

Romania Asks the World to Interfere

04 Sep 2004   •   00:00

FOREIGN AFFAIRS - September 4th 2004

Yesterday President Ion Iliescu launched an appeal to all the international organizations that are able to interfere in order that the status of the children studying in the Romanian schools in Transnistria would be solved. On the other bank of the Prut river, President’s Vladimir Voronin council, Vasile Stati, admires the way the Tiraspol regime crushes the Romanian language.

"We address to the competent international institutions in order to contribute to support the measures for returning to a normal life of the schools with teaching using the Latin method of writing in the Transnistria region of the Moldovan Republic". President Ion Iliescu, whose opinion is that the separatist leaders in Tiraspol promote "violently a language purification strategy", which is impossible for the Europe of the 21st century, has made the appeal yesterday.

CRITICAL CRISIS. "We are dealing with a humanitarian critical crisis that coincides with the beginning of the new academic year. Besides the violent aspect of the law-and-order authorities, blocking the pupils to study in their native language seems to be harsh. The separatist authorities in Tiraspol made and insist on making a stand against registering the respective academic institutions, as the laws of the Moldovan Republic say", added the Chief of the State. According to the Mediafax agency, Iliescu notified the extremely difficult status of the orphans in the school in Tighina.

MINDLESS. This happens while in Chisinau President’s Voronin council, the "history competent" professor Vasile Strati, supports the regime in Transnistria. "In all the schools in the Moldovan Republic this Romanian abject, Ceausescu like and communist nationalism is taught very freely… In Transnistria there is a decision that forbids that. (…) The history manuals are dirty with a Ceausescu like nationalism. This is not what Transnistria wants", stated Stati for BBC. "They have romanized us in such a manner, and I feel disgusted of the fact that in my house any mushroom, that studied three or four grades in the Romanian schools and institutes in Moldova, can come and shout at me saying I’m a Romanian. Here, the schools produce Romanian loafers", complained the Moldovan official.
Translation: SORIN BALAN

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