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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Romania Ranked Sixth in the IT Olympics

Romania Ranked Sixth in the IT Olympics

20 Sep 2004   •   00:00

SCHOOL - September 20th 2004

The Romanian national team taking part in the IT Olympiad earned the sixth rank for Romania with two gold, two silver and one bronze medal.

The 16yh IT Olympiad was organized in Athens, between 11 and 17 September. "This was an excellent result, given that this was a new team than the one competing last year. This was basically a passing the baton between generations. Next year we will not be confronted with this issue, and have a team to represent us to future international contests," said Emanuela Cerchez, coordinating professor for the IT team.

The four boys making the team will study in the United States, as the children making the Romanian team last year. Both Victor Costan and Radu Berinde, gold medalists at the 2003 Olympiad, are students now at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The gold medalist this year is Silviu Ganceanu, graduating the IT High School in Bucharest. He came from Barlad city last year and started to study IT then.
"I took part in the math Olympics until then," Ganceanu says. He is already a student with the Polytechnic University in Bucharest, at the Faculty for Computers and Automation. He hopes that next year he will find the financial resources enabling him to study in the US.

The silver medalists are Leonard Crestez, student in the 11th grade with the Nicolae Balcescu high school in Braila and Adrian Vladu, student in the same grade at the Tudor Vianu high school in Bucharest. Sorin Stancu Mara, also a 11th grader with the IT High School in Bucharest, took the bronze medal.
At this year’s IT Olympics 324 students from 81 countries took part in the contest.

Translation: ANCA PADURARU

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