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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Romania’s Arguments - Low Salaries and Qualified Personnel

Romania’s Arguments - Low Salaries and Qualified Personnel

05 Noi 2004   •   00:00

BUSINESS - November 5th 2004
From the German companies’ point of view, Romania is an attractive country for investments. Arguments for this statement are the young qualified personnel, which is young and polyglot, the salary level, and the infrastructure, said the president of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy, Klaus Mangold, quoted by Mediafax. The committee reunites the most powerful investor in the German land North Renania - Westfalia.


The German official appreciated - during the Romanian - German conference to take into account the investments, especially destined to the small and middle enterprisers - the adopted measures in the last years by the Romanian authorities with the goal of accelerating the privatization, of liberalizing of the energetic sector and of corruption fighting, but said that the German companies still have to deal with some problems in Romania. He stated that the Romanian market "is in the sight of the German enterprisers" and suggested the authorities in Bucharest to improve Romania’s external image, and make it seen as a location for investments, showing that the German companies faced a better internal situation of the country, which is much better than the one showed very often.

"We’ll still be looking forward to improve the informing procedures and the ones of assistance for the possible investors, as well as the promotional actions. On the other hand, we’ll encourage adequate public-private partnership formulas based on the European Union regulations", said Adrian Nastase. He stimulated the Small and Medium Enterprises in Germany to invest in the Romanian economy, especially in fields like car industry, communications, agriculture, environment protection, banking services, energetic sector, commerce, textile industry and infrastructure, which are considered to be fields with a lot of future business potential by the German officials.
Translation : SORIN BALAN

Subiecte în articol: english