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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Romanians Protest in Front of the US Embassy

Romanians Protest in Front of the US Embassy

09 Dec 2004   •   00:00

EVENT - December 8th 2004
Friends of Teo Peter protested yesterday in front of the US Embassy in Bucharest. [Peter was a rock musician and producer who was killed over the week-end in a car accident allegedly provoked by a US Embassy employee.]

Click to enlarge
These are the messages Peter’s friends wanted the Americans to see, written both in Romanian and in English.
Peter’s friends asked the US authorities for the person responsible to be tried and given the right punishment. The artists’ protest was approved by the Bucharest City Hall and lasted from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
"We wrote a statement that we want to hand personally to Ambassador [Crouch] in which we ask for the US Marine [allegedly responsible for Peter’s death] to be brought back to Romania to be tried in a Romanian court. We want respect for ourselves and for our values," said Eugen Cristea Motriuc, actor in the Small Theatre, a friend of 30 years of Peter’s and organizer of the demonstration.
The protesters carried photos of Peter and messages written both in Romanian and in English. Some of them read: ""Respect us as we respect US," "Kill @ run immunity," "Condolences to the American diplomacy," "Do not take the obedience of our politicians to be the measure or the Romanians dignity," and "Teo Peter was murdered."
Shortly after the protest started Motriuc and other four friends of Peter’s were invited to meet with the US Ambassador Jack Dyer Crouch II. After a one hour meeting Motriuc said that Ambassador Crouch promised he will go to Washington to try solving the case. Peter’s friends also asked for the Embassy to organize on 11 April, his birthday, to organize a show in his memory and as a sign of conciliation between the two peoples. Peter’s fans will be able check on a web-site on the progress of the case. None of Peter’s colleagues in Compact music groups participate din the protest.

Translation: ANCA PADURARU

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