POLITICS July 3 2004
The "excessive power" from SDP is one of the factors that wrecked the image of the governing party. This the conclusion that the "Ovidiu Sincai" Social Democrat Institute reached in a report about the local elections that Adrian Severin, a SDP deputy, presented yesterday.
Severin explained that the welcoming in SDP, after the year 2000, of many mayors and local counselors that were elected as members of other parties, caused the decrease of the "attractive" character of SDP in the political environment. That is because the level of power display has reached a point beyond which such a power cannot generate confidence but rather fear.
The same report shows that, despite the economical and external politics successes, SDP suffered because of its corrupt party image. The decrease of the trust of the people in the SDP image was caused by the fact that SDP spent much more money for their campaigns than the other parties in order to ensure their victory, according to the same report. Another cause has been the presence of the SDP candidates with a negative image among people on the electoral lists.
The same report shows that the electorate of SDP remained the same, but the people who voted for the Great Romania Party (GRP) chose the National Liberal Party (NLP) - Democratic Party (DP) Alliance (also called Truth and Justice (T.J)) candidates. According to this report, through this vote, the people tried to "punish SDP, not wanting to take it out of the lead nor to reward the T.J. Alliance or the opposition in general".
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