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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version The Beasts in the Social Democrat Party Go For the Kill

The Beasts in the Social Democrat Party Go For the Kill

23 Feb 2005   •   00:00

by MARIUS TUCA - February 24th 2005
Lately, the political beasts in the SDP are intent on ending the political life of Adrian Nastase [current SDP leader and former PM]. At first it was Mischie. In interviews while handcuffed by prosecutors of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, Mischie alleged Nastase was to blame for his arrest. Then came for the kill a tall man by height, but little in other ways, called Victor Ponta. It is interesting that Ponta was promoted by Nastase, but forgot all that after meeting with Ion Iliescu [founder of the SDP and former President]. Iliescu just stated that at 75 he feels to be 45, so it was right for the young Ponta to gang up with the "younger" Iliescu, was it not? While Nastase was to stay with the defeated camp… To the list of beasts emerging from the party’s smirks was then added Trita Fanita, the man making big business in agriculture, was now spitting back to the hand that fed him with a poisonous public letter against the same Nastase. He started his letter with the telling words: "Adrian, you have no idea how small you have turned to be lately." But the boldest attack came from Antonie Iorgovan, who for too long got away with styling himself to be "the Father of the Constitution." The little dragon in disguise which Iorgovan proved to be wants to run against the very man who did not let him die! That’s what I call balls.

As for me, what can I say but" "Adrian, you have no idea how proper and timely all these attacks seem to me."
Translation : ANCA PADURARU

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