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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version The Dracula Premiere on Broadway

The Dracula Premiere on Broadway

20 Iul 2004   •   00:00

OBSERVER - July 20 2004

In a mad town like New-York it is essential that the people talk about you.

And it is not easy at all to get the attention of an audience that sums up millions of souls which only react to the really important events in this huge urban agglomeration. But, from its first day of the official visit of the governmental group which arrived from Bucharest, Romania is in the highlight.

On Monday, the 19th of July, the premiere of the musical "Dracula", staring Tom Hewitt and Melissa Enrico, took place. The show makes its first appearance on Broadway, at the Belasco Theatre and is to be played until the 16th of August. The ticket prices are in accordance to the place’s celebrity. So, if you want to see the new version of the novel written by Bram Stoker famous for its horror scenes happening in Romania one has to pay between 36.25$ -the cheapest ticket - and 101.25$ - the deluxe ticket. These prices could let a lot of people at the theatre’s gates in Bucharest, but could send a lot of Americans in Romania willing to see the legend at home, in Tihuta. It would be a great opportunity for the tourism operators to take advantage of the show.

About the first day of the Romanian official delegation we have to say that, in the agenda, there’s only one item - the meeting with Spencer Abraham, the secretary of Energy, a very important clerk in the American Executive mechanism. The decisions concerning the strategic developments in this area, which decide the global economical equilibrium and the prices’ level in USA, have to have its signature in order to be approved. The takeover of a Romanian-American document concerning the non-proliferation of the nuclear materials and technologies show the care for the blocking of the terrorists’ access to the weapons with a great destruction potential.

TRIP. The meantime zone difference makes the information get to the newspapers out phased with more than 7 hours - the usual time between the operations’ cycle between Bucharest and New York. This is why in this letter I will give more details about the delegation and its agenda.

The call from Monday in Keflawik, Iceland, has been an excellent opportunity for the members of the delegation to socialize. I have to emphasize that the delegation has a guest, Mr. Jack Dyer Crouch, the new USA ambassador for Romania, which has recently taken over.

The Prime Minister Adrian Nastase was kind enough to introduce us - Ion Cristoiu and me - to the ambassador, emphasizing our work at Jurnalul National - "one of the most important newspapers in Romania, with extraordinary open-minded activities concerning real issues". The American diplomat seemed to be a totally different person in comparison to his predecessor, an open-minded, apprehensive and normal person. During the trip doctor Anca Barliga had to deal with a Romanian official that didn’t feel so good, being helped by Daniela Nastase, who didn’t have any problem about being the nurse.

Some of the business people that accompanied the delegation are Nicolae Danila - the Commercial Bank of Romania (CBR), Cristian Andrei Siminel, MCH Advisors, Tiberiu Urdareanu - UTI, Marian Alecu - McDonald’s Romania, Marinel Burduja, Raiffeisen Bank, Bogdan Enoiu - McCann-Erickson.

The Prime Minister and the other officials stay at Waldorf Astoria Hotel, and the media group at Crown Plaza, on 42 Street.
Translation: SORIN BALAN

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