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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version The Governor Should Stay On

The Governor Should Stay On

01 Mar 2005   •   00:00

By MARIUS TUCA - March 1st 2005
He is one of the few people I’ve met after 1989 to show such devotion and passion for his work.
Though he is filling a public office position, he is conducting his work as if he would run his own business, the one which founds both his and his family’s livelihood.
The governor I refer to is Virgil Munteanu, the Governor of the Danube Delta, whom I met as a journalist when documenting a special issue of the newspaper on the Delta.
Munteanu succeeded to turn around the Delta in only a few years and end its status of free hunting ground for poachers.
It will be a great mistake to replace such a person for political reasons only, as our sources told us the political power is about to.
The Danube Delta is too special a place, and Munteanu too special a person to keep them apart and treat the Governor’s position as just another one open for grabs to the political friends. I want Munteanu to keep his position and I state this with no ulterior motive.
The only reason on my mind is to want the Danube Delta to become a world-known destination and cherished heritage of Europe. For this miracle to take place that place needs Munteanu as a Governor!


Subiecte în articol: english