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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version The Kidnapping in the Scenarios

The Kidnapping in the Scenarios

30 Mar 2005   •   00:00

I have heard so many scenarios regarding the kidnapping of the three Romanian journalists such that I don’t know what to believe. Ever since the beginning, I thought as suspect the request to the newspapers’ editorial offices and to the TV stations not to make public the information about the kidnapping of the three journalists, even though the Romanian President spoke about it around midnight, being questioned by the journalists.

  • March 31st 2005
  • Now, instead on focusing on this case’s investigation, we want to prove, or solve all kinds of scenarios. For us, the local stamp is very visible even when we face a kidnapping. How was it possible for Marie-Jeanne to send messages or even talk on the phone during and after the kidnapping? How in the Hell did the kidnappers call exactly a certain Omar Hayssam, a businessperson from a hospital in Bucharest? These are only two important questions, but I could ask forever.

    In the same time, the Romanian authorities are yet to offer sufficient information to solve this true or untrue story, which might be tragic or just comical.

    Just to mention it, the journalists at Jurnalul National had talked to this Omar Hayssam on Tuesday, much more before he stated anything about the ransom and he hadn’t said a word about the alleged phone call received from Iraq. Moreover, "there is no place like Romania" since Omar Hayssam has been investigated since last year, this being an information confirmed by the general prosecutor.

    My God, tomorrow, we might see suspect Omar Hayssam riding a white horse with the three Romanian journalists, coming in front of the people as the saver of the savers!

    However, we mustn’t joke around with the fate of the three journalists, who, wherever they are, are in a great danger. It is hard to believe they set up their own kidnapping or they would have had anything to do with it!

    We must also notice the easiness with which the editorial offices let these journalists leave with this kind people taken into consideration the many killed journalists in the respective area. The one wanting it shouldn’t do the same.

    I believe that, at this time, our responsibility should be our priority and not others’ irresponsibility and, therefore, we should be more attentive with the scenarios that appear around us.

    The temptation of making them public is so high that many won’t resist it. But, before ceasing, they should put themselves in the shoes of the three Romanian journalists, which are actually captured in Iraq.

    Subiecte în articol: english