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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version The Little Heroes from Tighina, in Romania

The Little Heroes from Tighina, in Romania

03 Ian 2005   •   00:00

OBSERVER - January 4th 2005
Last summer, 100 orphans form Transnitria have been besieged by the separatist militias. They were blocked inside their orphanage without any food or medicaments. From the 100 children, the Romanian authorities managed to bring in our country 50 pupils from the orphanage from Tighina. They were brought here to spend their Christmas and New Year’s Eve quietly, but also to discover Romania’s beauty.

TOUCHING STATEMENT. "We love you! Don’t forget that!", Mihai Razvan Ungureanu, the External Affairs Minister said to the little children from Tighina.
DISCOVERING ROMANIA. Accompanied by 5 of their teachers, the pupils from Tighina visited the Bran and Peles Castles, they were to Tirgoviste and Suceava, to some museums in Bucharest (the National Museum of History and the "Grigore Antipa" Museum of Natural History) and a tour of the Capitalwas also included in their trip. Yesterday, the children had the chance of meeting the new Romanian External Affairs Minister, Mihai Razvan Ungureanu, who welcomed them at the Ministry’s headquarters.

NO PROTOCOL. The Minister, who tried to be less pertaining, asked them about their time in Romania and whether they liked the country. He also asked them about Stefan cel Mare, his reign and the place of the Residential Fortress. Each pupil received from the new minister an album with Moldova’s prince, "Foundations under the Cross Sign - the Great and Holly Stefan (1504 - 2004)", which Rompress printed. "When you will be grownups you should remember that people expect a lot from you and you should all be proud that you are Romanians. You have to know that on this other side of the Prut River the people see you as their own children. We love you! Don’t forget that!", Ungureanu said to them.

In July 2004, the authorities in Tiraspol started the crisis of the schools with teaching using the Latin method of writing without obeying the most elementary laws. This is how they started an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in which children that didn’t want more than to study in Romanian were involuntary involved.

Translation: SORIN BALAN

Subiecte în articol: english