The issue Tuesday of the European Commission Report announcing that Romania and Bulgaria will make the 1 January 2006 accession date was an opportunity for both president Traian Basescu and Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu to show the different levels of political instinct they own.
Tariceanu was hailing the move as if Romania already showed political and economic development on a pair with Germany. Romaniaâs future after January 1st looked brighter to him than communism did to Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. Whoever listened to Tariceanu might have whished nothing else but go to sleep and wake up the next day on January 1st already, to reap the benefits of the integration: the holes in the public roads gone; the toilets in schools - state of the art; the villages with paved and brightly lit roads; the postman delivering salaries and pensions ten times their current values. Basescu, for his part, kept the buckets of cold water ready to cool down any unwarranted enthusiasm. In stark contrast to Tariceanu, he warned that the mere EU membership did not bring wealth, but only the hard work. With his long-proven ability to gage the mentality of the Romanian people, Basescu scored again. He knows Romanians are easy to set on fire and easy to cool down.Citește pe
Translated by ANCA PADURARU