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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version The Romanian Humanist Party Tells President to Make Up His Mind

The Romanian Humanist Party Tells President to Make Up His Mind

21 Iul 2004   •   00:00

POLITICS - July 21 2004

Codrut Seres, the vice-president of the Romanian Humanist Party (RHP), stated in Deva city that the country’s president, Ion Iliescu, should not interfere with the restructuring of a political party
[TR. NOTE: referring at the developments in "When he meddled in the affairs of the [ruling] Social Democrat Party (SDP) [that the president founded],

Ion Iliescu interfered with the Constitution provision that asks for complete separation of the Presidency from parties’ activities. The president should also decide if he will run on a parliamentary ticket or not. [If he does], he should resign," said Seres.

He also stated that Romanians stand a chance for political change at the 2004 elections. They have the opportunity to choose for "a change for the good, for a Romania of the future, not one of the past." He explained that the RHP promotes a new type of presidency that would indeed work as a guarantor of the rule of law and be accountable on a permanent basis, not only every four years [at elections time].

"Romania needs a change of mentality regarding the presidency, which would not allow for the president to not abide by the Constitution," said Seres hinting at the RHP proposals for change of the Law for presidential and parliamentary elections. "Ion Iliescu blatantly stepped on the balance set upon him by Constitution requirements when meddling in the SDP issues," said Seres.

Translation: ANCA PADURARU

Subiecte în articol: english