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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version The Sugau Canyon - an Investment in the Natural Reserve Starts Arguments

The Sugau Canyon - an Investment in the Natural Reserve Starts Arguments

09 Oct 2004   •   00:00

OBSERVER - October 9th 2004

The Environmental Protection Agency in Neamt received numerous signals from associations, foundations, universities, physical and legal persons from all around the country, not to deliberate the environmental notice to the companies that want to invest in the natural reserve Sugau - Munticelu Canyon, informs Rompress. "Total Mihoc" company in Tamaseni, the Neamt county, that built a plain water factory at the foot of Sugau by the capitation of the mountain natural springs, due to an exploiting license and to a favorable notice belonging to the Romanian Academy, has been fined 25 million lei for the lack of the necessary authorizations. A technical commission formed by representatives of the authorized institutions for the natural reserves’ activity will analyze at the Environmental Protection Agency in Neamt the impact upon the environment and its consequences on the protected area in the Sugau Mountains. Based on this study a decision, regarding the company’s environment notice necessary for the investment works, which have been temporarily stopped, will be taken.

President of the Romanian Mountaineering Club, alpinist Ticu Lacatusu, accuses company "Total Mihoc" for the "mine blowing methods applied in the Munticelu Cave region", petrified springs being affected.

Translation: SORIN BALAN

Subiecte în articol: english