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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version The Three Former Hostages in Iraq Were Reunited With Their Families

The Three Former Hostages in Iraq Were Reunited With Their Families

27 Mai 2005   •   00:00

The three Romanian journalists freed a couple of days ago from Iraq, after being held hostage there for 55 days, ended their quarantine-debriefing period with a meeting with President Traian Basescu at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace.

  • May 27th 2005
  • Andreea and Sorin will be reunited after two months
    All three got a clean bill of health after the medical check-ups they have been subjected to in the past few days. The return to their families will coincide with the beginning of a period of psychological recuperation each of them will conduct individually, with proper medical supervision.

    Both the sister and the fiancée of Sorin Miscoci, one of the three former hostages, hope that the media will give him some space and spare him the questions, at least for a while.

    Daniela Berindei, Sorin’s sister, said that the news the families were called to take part in the meeting of the journalists with Basescu, at 8 p.m., before taking back home their children, came as a huge relief for her.

    "I would like the media to leave us alone, to leave Sorin alone for a while. At least for some time our privacy should be respected, and this is not too much to ask," said Berindei.

    Andreea Costiuc, Sorin’s fiancée, noted that Basescu kept his word and allowed the journalists to be reunited with their families after two days of debriefing. She also said that since the journalists’ return home, the pressure of the media mounted again. "I was called up in the wee hours of the morning to answer if I still plan to marry him, if I talked to him, if I plan any home-coming surprise. To these, frankly, it is impossible to find an answer. I believe Sorin will need a different type of treatment from the media," said Costiuc.

    Translation: ANCA PADURARU
    Subiecte în articol: english