Ion Tiriac, former famous tennis player and current successful businessman, opened his hunting estate, in the vicinity of Balc village, in County Bihor, with a hunting party where a good number of local and foreign personalities where invited.
Adrian Nastase, speaker of the House, stays faithful to his passion: hunting
Tiriac was pleased with the outcome of the hunting party: My guests were simply overwhelmed on all accounts quality of the organization, value of the game, beauty of scenery, said Tiriac. We need these people to come here for business, and the places good business deals are forged are the tennis court, the golf tracks, the hunting parties, added he.
Tiriac said that he will organize hunting parties at Balc for two days only every year, in order to allow the game to develop properly.
The hunting domain at Balc was also used by former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, and has a total surface of 11,500 hectares. It was licensed two years ago to the Zimbrul hunting association in Bucharest and the Wild Boar Company, but the money was paid by Tiriac.
So far he invested 1.2 million euros in enclosing the area, replenishing the game, repairing the hunting hut and the access roads.
Before the hunting party this week-end, the count of game showed 550 wild boars and 80 stags and hinds, some of the animals being imported from abroad to replenish the game.
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translation by ADRIANA PADURARU