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Ukraine versus Romania - Million Dollars Lawyers

28 Sep 2004   •   00:00
Ukraine versus Romania  -  Million Dollars Lawyers

OBSERVER - September 28th 2004

Kiev carefully computed and will pay a few million dollars to the lawyers that are to defend Ukraine in the lawsuit against Romania at the International Court of Law (ICL) in Hague.

"For two years now we have been discussing about the partition of the aquatic resources around the Island of the Snakes. Now, Ukraine must defend herself in Court at Hague", broadcasts the TV station Novii Kanali, quoted by the Daily Russia agency.

THE ELECTIONS. The TV station comments that, in all this dispute between the two countries, the diplomats’ language has been a little gentler than the electoral cries. This is because in October Ukraine is to pass the Presidential elections’ exam, and in November Romania’s turn will come.

ACCUSATIONS. "The campaign has influenced the negotiations. But more in Romania. The fact that my counterpart is preparing for becoming Prime Minister, in case his party wins the elections, cannot be put apart", said the Ukrainian Minister for External Affairs, Konstantin Griscenko.

REASON. Novii Kanali tries to explain the reasons for which Romania reached at ICL for the separation of the Black Sea. The Ukrainian journalists believe that Bucharest is upset because of the shipping channel that Kiev is building in the Delta. There are some serious amounts of money involved that Romania will lose, comments the TV station that is financed by President’s Kucima son-in-law.

THE STAKE. Due to not reaching a common conclusion with Ukraine regarding the delimitation of the continental plateau and of the exclusive economical zones in the Black Sea, on the 16th of September Romania accused the neighbor state at ICL in Hague. The main problem is the Island of the Snakes, about which the Ukrainians speak of as being livable, and we say it is a rock. If ICL agrees with us and says the island is a rock, then the partition of the Black Sea will be in our advantage, and the area around, with oil and natural gas deposits, the actual stake of this dispute, will get into the territory we handle.

Translation: SORIN BALAN

Subiecte în articol: english