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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version We Are no. 1!

We Are no. 1!

14 Apr 2005   •   00:00

The things shown by the number of printed copies and the sales even since last year has also been confirmed by the rating studies: Jurnalul National is the authoritarian leader of the important newspapers in Romania.

  • April 15th 2005
  • The data supplied by the National Study of Rating (NSR) show important increases in the readers’ number for our daily newspaper (287,900 readers to 708,000 readers in only one year). The last available figures, which regard the situation since February 2004 to January 2005, show that Jurnalul National reached the level of its main competitor, Evenimentul Zilei, almost three months ago. Since their evolution was decreasing for 3 of the last 4 NSR waves, and Jurnalul has grown in the same time, with 146%, it is obvious that, for now, our daily newspaper is the most read important newspaper in Romania.

    With an annual average of 177,775 of printed copies last year, Jurnalul has surpassed Evenimentul Zilei by 54% (?), Adevarul by 39% and Romania Libera by 128%. There were times when the number of printed copies was larger than the sum of the ones from Adevarul and Evenimentul Zilei.

    The behavior of the number of readers of Jurnalul National

    The behavior of the average circulation of the Jurnalul National newspaper

    The average circulation of the high quality daily newspapers in 2004
    Subiecte în articol: english