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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version We wind the clock backwards

We wind the clock backwards

27 Sep 2004   •   00:00


We are in constant admiration of what we could accomplish as a nation. We wonder at ourselves every day. We have unexpected abilities to harm one another, to divide each other, to accuse the other; we have inexhaustible resources to fight each other even for one hundred years - if only time would be patient with us and grant us such a long life … And we do not know what to "admire" more: the lack of solidarity or the theft, the lie or the hypocrisy, the lack of expertise of the pump, the humbleness, the nerve or the vanity?
We have a hard time deciding ourselves what to choose from, this is why we went for the past 15 years like on a pendulum, from taking "the light at the end of the tunnel" or "the edge of the abyss."

Always making decisions in the twelfth hour we preferred to turn the clock one hour back than to wake up. At all the meetings we were to have with the new history of Europe we either did not have proper attire, or we got in late and locked outside the entrance doors. At the same time, I cannot imagine what other people would have put up with so many unmet promises, humiliations, missed opportunities, as the Romanian people did.
Other peoples in our place might have committed collective suicide with no second thoughts.
We have a serenity which is difficult to comprehend, a lack of awareness and also a sense of mockery which took us through all kinds of adversities.
Maybe dignity too, the one we never count too much on, was also one reason for us to survive as a nation.
Nevertheless, as difficult as it may be to believe, among the main culprits for our historical misfortunes stays our heritage too.
The tainted heritage is us.
But on that in tomorrow’s paper.

Translation: ANCA PADURARU

Subiecte în articol: english