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The Last Bets are off

06 Aug 2004   •   00:00

POLITICS August 6 2004

The top executive decision making body in the National Liberal Party (NLP) is going to make tomorrow its final decisions regarding the arrangements for the electoral campaign.

For the past few the Honor Committee of the NLP judged some of the cases still pending in the organizations around the country.
The most important topic stays how things will be sorted out in Bucharest. The first order of business there is deciding whether to place Theodor Stolojan on top of the list of candidates running for the House of Deputies. As he is also running for the presidency of Romania, some say this place on the list would help all candidates stand a better chance, while others worry that his taking over the presidency would leave them one deputy short of their allies, the Democrat Party (DP).
So far the two partners in the Alliance for Justice and Truth (of NLP and DP) alternated their candidates on the lists for elected positions in the Parliament.
So far it seems that the NLP leader Stolojan will indeed top the list for the House of Deputies, while its vice-chairperson, Mona Musca, will lead the list for the Senate.

Another top personality in the NLP, Radu Campeanu, asked to be removed from the Arges County lists for the Senate and placed on the Bucharest list, where he would rank though only third, behind Mircea Cinteza. Crin Antonescu is also third on the candidate lists for the House of Deputies. This morning the NLP leadership will decide the lists in Braila, Satu-Mare, Prahova, Calarasi and Timis.

Translation: ANCA PADURARU
