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Jurnalul.ro Vechiul site Old site English Version Dan Voiculescu Will Sue Corneliu Vadim Tudor

Dan Voiculescu Will Sue Corneliu Vadim Tudor

03 Feb 2005   •   00:00

POLITICS - February 3rd 2005
Dan Voiculescu, leader of the Romanian Humanist Party, made the following statement, issued in a press-release:
The president of the Greater Romanian Party sCorneliu Vadim Tudort is obviously losing severely his electorate, and this is why he resorts to stirring public scandal in order to focus the public opinion once more on him.
This must be the only rational explanation for his recent attacks on the RHP and me.
Tudor makes ridiculous accusations, on top of older ones, which were long ago demonstrated as false allegations during the proceedings of the legal suits I brought against him. The recent allegation that I have a grudge against the coaches of the Romanian Olympic gymnastics team, Octavian Belu and Mariana Bitang, is groundless.
On the contrary, I deeply respect the two coaches, and as a former sportsman myself I know the price high performance comes at. As a Romanian I had ample opportunity to feel pride whenever our flag was flown on the top mast, following the success the two coaches brought our gymnastics team to. It is all the more despicable the attempt Tudor makes to exploit the public sympathy Belu and Bitang are enjoying in order to somehow get it transferred on him.
Taking into account the slanderous remarks Tudor made against me I decided to sue him for moral damages. I did not pay attention and did not acted upon his slanderous remarks before, but since he used the central newspapers and television to convey them, I decided to act.
Thus the subject for me is closed, and I will not fuel with further comments political confrontations. Dan Voiculescu, president of the RHP social liberal

Translated by ANCA PADURARU

Subiecte în articol: english